The Meeting Room Set-up Style Guide!

There is an art to the perfect meeting room set-up style. It’s not just simply putting some chairs around a table, adding a jug of water, glasses and some notepaper! Planning to deliver a successful meeting or event is all about the attention to details. And that includes everything from the size of the room and whether it has natural daylight, through to the room’s accessibility, technical capabilities and proximity to cloakroom facilities.

When planning for an event, a good event organiser will consider many elements in the meeting room set-up style. For instance, natural daylight is most welcome in a meeting room but it can mean curtains or black-out blinds are needed for presentations. When planning the room set-up style, the position of sockets is a very important factor too.  Equally so nowadays is whether the room has Wifi for your delegates. Also worth remembering is whether the room can be set-up in a style that allows for social distancing too.

And naturally, you’re going to need to know the room set-up style will accommodate the number of delegates or guests attending.

Meeting room set-up styles

Firstly, let’s take a look at the meeting room style for boardroom meetings and four factors to consider when deciding on the room set-up style.

Firstly, the boardroom table needs to be large enough to comfortably seat your CEO, directors, executives and board members. Think about the ambience too. Does the meeting room set-up style need to show any kind of hierarchy around the table? Should the boardroom table have name cards and stationary too? Is it appropriate to have sweets and snacks on the table?

Secondly, the comfort for attendees is very important. When a boardroom meeting is predicted to take some time, it’s worth considering the use of all-day comfort executive chairs. Lots of hotels and venues have invested in leather executive chairs that not only look impressive, they make a big difference to comfort too!

Thirdly, the room set-up style may need a refreshment area where tea, coffee and a working lunch can be served.

You also need to consider the need for additional space in the room set-up style for any audio-visual equipment if a presentation is part of the process.

Training room set-up styles

These types of room styles can be set-up like a classroom. This means delegates have their own desk or table facing the front of the room where the trainer or presenter will deliver their messages. Alternatively, for smaller numbers it’s a good idea to have the room set-up with tables and chairs creating a horseshoe shape. This means everyone can clearly see the facilitator and any presentations.

You will need to decide if you need extra space for break-out areas where delegates can work together in smaller numbers.

Does there need to be an area for more hands-on learning? For instance, many first aid courses require attendees to get experience in the training room.

Theatre-style rooms

If the reason for the event is to launch a new product, new initiatives or a company conference to update a large number of employees, an auditorium is an ideal solution. Not only do you have access to a stage for your keynote speakers, you have the on-site technical support available. When this knowledge and expertise is tapped into, the difference made can be huge; suddenly a presentation becomes a premier performance with lighting and sound making an impact!

Purpose-built auditoriums also mean sight-lines are good, so wherever your delegates or guests sit, they’ll clearly see the stage.

Theatre-style rooms can be set-up in smaller areas too. Many hotels and venues in the UK have the capacity to create theatre-style seating in rooms welcoming hundreds of delegates. If you choose this type of room set-up over a purpose-built auditorium, don’t forget the seating plan will need to configure central and side aisles too!

Exchange Hall at Manchester Central

Cabaret style room set-ups

A cabaret style room set-up is versatile as this type of seating with round tables is conducive for lots of events. For example, cabaret style rooms can be successfully used for company award presentations. The room set-up is ideal for teaching and training too as there’s the additional space created by a dance floor. And of course, a cabaret room style is perfect for entertaining colleagues and clients over dinner followed by a charity auction and a disco!

Consider launching a product or getting your keynote speakers to deliver their message in a cabaret style room too. The setting is more intimate than a theatre-style room. And that makes engaging and entertaining delegates and leaving a lasting impression instantly achievable.

These types of rooms are a popular office party choice for Christmas gatherings.

Banqueting Rooms

Whether it’s a large room fit for the bride and groom’s wedding breakfast, a smaller room for private dining or a large space for a feast for hundreds, an event in a banqueting room will need a table plan if it’s to be a success!

You will also need to have a design theme for the banqueting room and tables and chairs. Your theme or design may work better with round tables and linen tablecloths. Or rectangular and rustic for a less formal style to the room is a popular option too.

Large floral centre-pieces to candles and confetti for the table could be on the list. And it’s definitely worthwhile arranging time to meet with the chef and sample a tasting menu. Large-scale banquets benefit with entertainment too; consider fire eaters, magicians, acrobats and singing or dancing waiters for starters!

Meeting room set-up styles

We’ve mentioned a few things to consider when deciding on the type of room set-up style for your event. There is a lot to think about. However, when we source the venue for you, our proposal includes all the important information you need. Plans for different room set-up styles, access points, refreshment and registration areas, catering options and delegate rates are a few of the examples that we include.

Give us a call on 01775 843410 to discuss your next event. We guarantee our free service will take away the stresses of sourcing the right meeting room with the right style.

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